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Timeline: 17th Century Europe/North America





1620: Bacon - Great Instauration
1624: Gassendi - Exercitationes paradoxicae

1625: Grotius - On the Law of War and Peace
1637: Descartes - Discourse on Method

1651: Hobbes - Leviathan
1660: Pascal- Pensées

1677: Spinoza - Ethics 
1690: Locke - Essay Concerning Human Understanding
1692: Bayle - Dictionaire

<-Gabrieli-|                                                           |---------------------Corelli------------------------>
<----------------Monteverdi--------------|                                                         |-------Vivaldi-------->
<-----------------------Allegri----------------------------|                                                |--J.S. Bach-->

<--El Greco--|

1603: Shakespeare - Hamlet
1605: Cervantes - Don Quixote (Bk. 1)


1666: Moliere - The Misanthrope
1667: Milton - Paradise Lost 

1677: Racine - Phaedra

1602: Campanella - The City of the Sun

1629: Bacon - The New Atlantis
1646: Walwyn - Tolleration Justified

1656: Harrington - The Commonwealth of Oceana

1690: Locke - Two Treatises of Government

1600: Gilbert - De Magnete
1609: Kepler - Astronomia nova 
1610: Galieleo - The Starry Messenger 
1619: Kepler - Harmonices mundi  

1628: Harvey - On the Motions of the Heart and Blood
1632: Galileo - Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
1645: Pascal invents 1st calculating machine

1661: Boyle - The Skeptical Chymist
1665: Hooke - Micrographia
1665: Newton & Leibniz independently invent calculus

1676: Romer discovers velocity of light
1678: Huygens - Traite de la lumiere 
1686: Ray - Historia Plantarum (Vol. 1)
1687: Newton - Principia

                                               <-----------Various Wars------------ >
<-----Reformation & Counter Reformation--------|                       

1600: Bruno burned at the stake in Rome
1600-04: British, Dutch & French East India Co.'s chartered
1616: Catholic church issues edict against Copernicanism
1618-48: Thirty Years' War
1619: 1st African slaves in Virginia
1620: Mayflower lands in Plymouth
1624-42: Richelieu prime minister

1633: Galileo convicted of heresy
1631: 1st newspaper published (Paris)
1642-46: English Civil War
1643: Louis XIV takes throne
1648: Treaty of Westphalia
1649: Charles I beheaded

1653: Cromwell named Lord Protector 
1662: Restoration of English monarchy 
1665: Great Plague in London

1682: Peter I (the Great) becomes tsar
1688: "Glorious Revolution"
1692: Witchcraft trials in Salem
1694: Bank of England incorporated


©Carl Mickelsen