Quiz Review Sheet



Transcendent                Transcendental             synthetic           analytic a priori
a posteriori                   concept                        intuition phenomena       noumena
category                       understanding               imagination       sensibility          Reason

Pure                             a priori intuition transcendental realism and idealism

Deduction                     objective validity           Empirical Realism and Idealism

T. Aesthetic                  space                           time                  apperception

T. Dialectic                   substance                     Causality         

Transcendental object = X                                Transcendental unity of Apperception

T. Dialectic                   antinomy                       Idea/Ideal



What was Kant’s Copernican revolution in Philosophy?

How are synthetic apriori propositions of Geometry possible?

How are synthetic apriori propositions of Arithmetic possible?

How are synthetic apriori propositions of Physics possible?


Give examples of the experiences (or aspects of experience) from which Kant deduces the three syntheses in the A Deduction.


How is Kant a transcendental idealist and Empirical Realism?


What is Kant’s refutation of idealism?


What is the conclusion of the Transcendental dialectic?


What is Kant’s view of the possibility of metaphysics?


How does Kant solve the problem of free will?


What is the source of our knowledge of God and immortality?