1473- Copernicus born, 19 February.
1492- Columbus discovers New World.
1517- Luther starts the Reformation
1507-1514- Copernicus's Commentariolus begins to be circulated.
1542- Publication of On The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres.
1543- Death of Copernicus.
1545- Council of Trent. Counter-reformation begins.
1546- Tycho Brahe born, 14 December.
1564- Galileo born, 15 February.
1571- Johannes Kepler born, 16 May.
1596- Rene Descartes born
1600- Giordano Bruno burned at the stake for heresy, was a proponent of Copernicus, among other things.
1600-1601- Kepler-Brahe collaboration.
1601- Brahe dies.
1609- Kepler publishes Astronomia Nova (contains his first and second laws).
1610- Galileo's discoveries with the telescope. The Starry Messenger.
1613- Galileo publishes Letters on Sunspots
1616- Copernicus's book banned until corrected.
1618- Thirty Years War breaks out.
1619- Kepler publishes Harmonice Mundi (contains his third law).
1632- Galileo publishes Dialogues Concerning the Two Principal Systems of the World, and it is immediately banned.
1633- Trial of Galileo.
1638- Galileo publishes Two New Sciences. (Laws of motion)
1642- Galileo dies.
Isaac Newton born.
1650- Descartes dies.
1672- Newton announces his theory of Colors to the Royal Society.
1687- Newton publishes Philosopiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
1727- Newton dies.