Humanities Second Year Unit 2: CALVIN Lecture 4 Prof. Denise Askin
Calvin in America: A Literary Perspective
I. Introduction
A. Puritans in England
B. America as laboratory.
C. Visual Images of the Congregational Meetinghouse: the Puritan Aesthetic
A. Printing Press
B. Bay Psalm Book
C. The Sermon ("Plain" Style and "Efficacious" Word)
III. Sola Scriptura and the Puritan Imagination
A. Typology: John Winthrop A Model of Christian Charity (1630)
1. Covenant and History
2. Myth-making: The Power of Images
B. Typological Imagination in Daily Events
IV. The Language of Conversion
A. Conversion: the Individual's Experience
B. Genre of the Spiritual Narrative
C. Jonathan Edwards: Personal Narrative (1739)
D. The Great Awakening
E. Jonathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (1741)
V. An Imaginative Response to Puritanism: Nathaniel Hawthorne Young Goodman Brown (1835)
Key Names and Terms:
John Winthrop (1588-1649) Plain Style
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) Typology
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) Type and Anti-type
Great Migration 1630's Teleology-
Protectorate (1642-60) England Covenant
Great Awakening 1730's and 40's Conversion
Efficacious word Special Providence