Humanities: Second year program                                                               September 20th, 2001
Portraits of human greatness                                              Lecturer: Dr Karin Maag

John Calvin and the Protestant Reformation

I.                                         The early life of a French humanist: 1509-1534
A. Family background
B. Education
C. His first book
D. His interest in the Reformation


II.                                     The Reformation and its causes
A. Problems in the church
B. Theological challenges
C. Quest for power on the part of civil authorities


III.                                 Calvin's early work as a Reformer: 1534-41
A. His writings
B. His work in Geneva
C. His period of exile and return


IV.                               The Reformation and its impact
A. Changes in worship
B. Changes in church life
C. An age of religious conflict


V.                                   Calvin's growing power: 1541-64
A. Conflicts in the city
B. Conflicts with opponents
C. His growing reputation across Europe


VI.                               John Calvin: an assessment
A. Great qualities
B. Criticisms
C. Assessment


Key names                                                                        Key dates

John Calvin. 1509-1564                                               1536: first edition of

Guillaume Farel: 1489-1565                                     The Institutes of the Christian Religion (Latin)

Martin Luther: 1483-1546                                          1538-41: Calvin's exile from Geneva

Michael Servetus: 1509/11-1553                             1553: execution of Michael Servetus


Maps of Europe in Calvin's Time (Not the Maps from Original Outline, but similar)


Smaller map

Larger map