Camus’ Life
1913 |
Born November 7 in Mondovi, Algeria. |
1914 |
Father killed in Battle of Marne, World War I |
1930 |
Studies philosophy, participates in sports at University of Algiers |
1934 |
Brief marriage to Simone Hie ends in divorce one year later. |
1935-1939 |
Works as actor, director, and playwright theater in Algiers |
1940 |
Second marriage to Francine Faure. |
1942 |
Leaves Algeria for Paris. Works as editor of Combat, a resistance newspaper. |
1942-1945 |
Suffers recurrent bouts of tuberculosis. |
1945 |
Birth of twins, Catherine and Jean. |
1949-1951 |
Suffers recurrent bouts of tuberculosis. Controversy with Sartre |
1960 |
Killed in automobile accident January 4. |
Camus’ Major Works
1936 Works on La Morte heureuse (A Happy Death), published posthumously 1971. A novel.
1942 L’Etranger (The Stranger) A novel.
1943 Le Mythe de Sisyphe (The Myth of Sisyphus) Essays.
1947 La Peste (The Plague) A novel.
1951 L’Homme révolté (The Rebel) Essays.
1956 La Chute (The Fall) A novel.
1957 L’Exil et le royaume (Exile and the Kingdom) Short Stories.
1959 Works on Le Premier homme (The First Man), published posthumously 1994. A novel.