GBS VI: Late Modern

Fall 2000 Schedule and Course Materials


The Text

Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience (just the text)
Songs of Innocence (Illuminated Version)
Songs of Experience (Illuminated Version)



Illuminated manuscripts of many Blake poems

The William Blake Archive Homepage

Selected Poetry of William Blake (1757-1827)

Wordsworth and Coleridge

The Text

Lyrical Ballads
Illustrated version of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner with the glosses


William Wordsworth

A tongue in cheek Biography

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

A tongue in cheek Biography

A Short Synopsis of Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

A Short Synopsis of "Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey"

The Federalist Papers

The Text

Federalist Papers
Declaration of Independence
Constitution of the United States
Articles of Confederation


Britannica Article on the Federalist Papers with links to biographies of Jay, Hamilton, and Madison.

The Federalist Papers Campfire: A discussion board on the Papers

De Tocqueville

The Text

Democracy in America


Site on Democracy in America from the C-SPAN series. Includes biographical and other information.

De Tocqueville discussion board

American Institutions and Their Influence


The Text

Preface - Phenomenology

Hegel's Outline of The Phenomemology of Spirit


Hegel by Hypertext: Lots of useful Hegel resources, including texts, Hegel's Introductions, and study guides.

An Introduction and study guide toThe Phenomenology

Hegel Society of America

George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel


The Text

Fear and Trembling (no e-text available)


Søren Kierkegaard
Commentary on Fear and Trembling
A Primer On Kierkegaardian Motifs
Kierkegaard on the Internet

Charlotte Bronte

The Text

Jane Eyre


Charlotte Bronte Page from The Bronte Sisters Web

Sparknotes Guide to Jane Eyre

The Bronte Parsonage Museum: Lots of Biography and Background

Jane Austen

The Text

Annotated and Illustrated Hypertext of Pride and Predjudice


Jane Austen Information Page; Texts, Biography, and Links

Student Essays on Jane Austen


The Text

The Brothers Karamazov


Dostoevsky: The Website

The World of Dostoevsky: Russian Biography and Background site

Dostoevsky Biography site

Study Guide to The Brothers Karamazov

The Complete Works of Dostoevsky


The Text

Beyond Good and Evil (Only the first two parts in e-text)


Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Thus Spake Zarathustra
Study Guide to Zarathustra
The Pirate Nietzsche Page


The Text

Death of Ivan Ilych
The Kreutzer Sonata
Master and Man
Twenty-Three Tales (The first of which is "God Sees the Truth But Waits")


Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy's Epilogue to The Kreutzer Sonata
Tolstoy Library. Works by Tolstoy.
Tolstoy on Art
Leo Tolstoy

Thomas Hardy

The Text

Tess of the d'Urbervilles


The Thomas Hardy Association

Thomas Hardy Website with Biography, Timelines, Maps, and texts of his works and secondary sources.

Photographs of Locations and Objects from Hardy's Wessex

Another Photograph page with photos relevant to each of the major works.

Thomas Hardy Lecture Hall from Western Canon University. Sort of a student message board/newsgroup on Hardy. See what other undergrads think.

Thomas Hardy's Poetry

Immanent Will and the roles of Man and Woman in Tess
Outline and Selected Bibliography

Important Passages from Tess on these Topics:
Woman and related topics
Immanent Will and Other Topics
Guilt and Other Topics
All page number references are to the Bantam Classics Paperback edition: New York, 1981.

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