From A Brief History of Iron and Steel Production
Professor Joseph
S. Spoerl
Saint Anselm
Ashton, T.S. Iron and Steel In
the Industrial Revolution.
Carnegie, Andrew. The Autobiography of
Andrew Carnegie.
Carnegie, Andrew. The Empire of
Chard, Jack. Making Iron and Steel: The Historic
Processes, 1700-1900.
Fisher, Douglas Alan. The Epic of Steel.
“Iron and Steel Industry.” Encyclopedia
Britannica, Volume 12.
Livesay, Harold C. Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business. HarperCollins Publishers, 1975.
Pounds, Norman J.G. The Geography of Iron and Steel. Second
Rosenberg, Nathan and L.E. Birdzell, Jr. How the West Grew Rich: The
Economic Transformation of the Industrial World.
Stubbles, John. “The Basic Oxygen
Steelmaking Process.” American Iron and
Wall, Joseph Frazier. Andrew
Carnegie. Second edition.
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A good way to learn about the iron manufacturing process prior to its transformation in the Industrial Revolution is to visit the Saugus Iron Works, an authentic recreation of the first integrated iron works in North America (1646-1668), run by the National Park Service in Saugus, MA. AND
For more information on Carnegie, see the PBS/American Experience website:
For an index of sites on iron, steel, and Carnegie: