Early Work
1 Study of a Torso, after a Plaster Cast 1893-94, charcoal on paper
2 Girl with Bare Feet c. 1895, oil on canvas (o/c)
3 First Communion 1895-96, o/c
4 Lola (artist's sister) 1899-1900, charcoal & color pencil on paper
5 Bullfight 1900, pastel & gouache on canvas
Blue Period
6 Seated Woman and Child 1901 o/c
7 Le Tub (The Blue Room) 1901 o/c
8 The Absinthe Drinker 1901 o/c
9 Still Life 1901 o/c
10 Self Portrait 1901 o/c
11 At the Moulin Rouge 1901 o/c
12 SelfPortrait 1901 o/c
13 Child Holding a Dove 1901 o/c
14 Portrait of Sebastian JunerVidal 1903 o/c
15 Woman Ironing 1904 o/c
Rose Period
16 Young Acrobat with Child 1905 watercolor
17 Harlequin's Family 1905, gouache & India ink
18 The Acrobats (LaFamillede Saltimbanques) 1905 o/c
"Great Turning Point"
19 Self Portrait with Palette 1906 o/c
20 Gertrude Stein 1906 o/c
Beginnings of Cubism
21 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon 1907 o/c
22 Fruit and Wineglass 1908 o/c
23 Head of a Man 1908 o/e
24 Bread and Fruit Dish ona Table 1909 o/c
25 Woman with Pears 1909 o/c
26 The Reservoir, Horta de Ebro 1909 o/c
27 MaJolie 1911-12 o/c
Cubism with Mixed Media
28 The Scallop Shell 1912 o/c
29 Violin and Sheet Music 1912, pasted paper on cardboard
30 Still Life with Chair Caning 1912, collage: oil, oil cloth, paper on canvas
31 AuBonMarche 1912-13, collage
32 Mandolin and Clarinet 1914, construction & plywood, paint & pencil
Surrealism & Classicism
33 Portrait of Olga in an Armchair 1917 o/c
34 Three Musicians 1921 o/c
35 Mother and Child 1922 o/c
36 Women Running on the Beach 1922, oil on plywood
37 The Pipes of Pan 1923 o/c
38 Seated Harlequin 1923, tempera on canvas
39 Paulo as Harlequin 1924 o/c
40 The Dancers (The Dance) 1925 o/c
41 Painter and Model 1928 o/c
42 Crucifixion 1930, oil on wood
Pre "Guernica"
43 Girl Before a Mirror 1932 o/c
44 Maquette for cover "Minotaure" May 1933 mixed media
45 Bull Goring a Horse September 24, 1933, India ink
46 Bull Disemboweling a Horse July 24, 1934, India ink on wood
47 Bull and Horse 1934 o/c
48 Minotauromachia April 1935, etching
Studies for "Guernica"
49 Mother with Dead Child on Ladder May 10, 1937, pencil & color crayon
50 Head of a Woman May 13, 1937, pencil & color crayon
51 Mother with Dead Child May 28, 1937, pencil, color crayon & gouache
52 Head of a Weeping Woman May 28, 1937 "
53 The Dream and Lie of Franco January-June 1937, etching & aquatint (read right to left)
54 Guernica 1937 o/c
55 Guernica " detail: bull, woman and child
56 Guernica " detail: central pyramid
57 Guernica " detail: woman with a lamp
Connections to the Performing Arts
58 Igor Stravinsky 1917 sketch
59 Portrait of Diaghilev and Seligsberg 1919 charcoal & pencil on paper
60 Costumes for Pulcinella
61 Costume for Pulcinella
62 Costume/Pulcinella
63 Costume: Pulcinella
64 Parade c. 1917 tempera on cloth
Later Work & Appropriation
65 The Charnel House 1944-45 o/c
66 La Jolie de Vivre 1946 oil on hardboard
67 Women of Algiers (after Delacroix) 1946 o/c
68 Women of Algiers, by Delacroix 1834 o/c
69 Massacre in Korea 1951 oil on plywood
70 Temple of Peace at Vallauris 1952 oil on hardboard
71 Detail: War & Peace, from Temple of Peace... "
72 Detail:
73 Le Dejeuner sur L'Herbe (after Manet) 1960 o/c
74 Le Dejeuner sur L'herbe, by Manet 1863 o/c
75 Bather with Sand Shovel 1960 o/c
76 The Family 1970 o/c
Later Work/Three Dimensional
77 Flute Players & Dancers 1950 red clay
78 Baboon & Young 1951 ceramic ware, 2 toy cars, metal & plaster
79 Girl Skipping 1951 plaster, ceramic ware, wicker basket, baking tins, shoes, wood, iron
80 Football Player 1961 cut & painted sheet metal