
unit 1: michelangelo                                                                   1

Contract for the Pieta                                                                         2

Contract for the David                                                                        4

unit 2: luther                                                                                   5

from To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation                             6

Martin Luther

from The Freedom of a Christian                                                        26

Martin Luther

Preface to the Wittenberg Hymnal, 1524                                            58

Martin Luther

Preface to Georg Rhau's Symphoniae iucundae, 1538                      60

Martin Luther

Hymn: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God                                                65

Martin Luther

Hymn: We All Believe in One True God                                             67

Martin Luther

Letter to Jodocus Jonas on Luther, May 10, 1521                                70


Adrian VI's Instruction to Francesco Chieregati, 1522                          82

Pope Adrian VI

unit 3: elizabeth I                                                                         89

Speeches of Queen Elizabeth                                                             90

Elizabeth the Student                                                                       108

Roger Ascham


A Pope's Admiration                                                                         110
The Venetian Ambassador

The Elizabethan Injunctions, 1559                                                        111

Elizabeth: Selected Speeches, Letter, Poems, Prayers                          129

Selected Poems                                                                                 146
Sir Walter Raleigh

from The Yale Edition of the Shorter Poems of Edmund Spenser   149
Edmund Spenser

from The Lady of May                                                                       157
Sir Philip Sidney

Edict Expelling the Moors                                                                  159

from Sultan Murad Ill's Letter to Elizabeth, c. 1580                              160

from Elizabeth's Letter to Sultan Mehmed III,       1601                        164

from The Merchant of Venice                                                             166
William Shakespeare

unit 4: galileo                                                                               169

from Dialogue on the Great World Systems                                         170
Galileo Galilei

Letters from Mario Guiducci and Benedetto Castelli                            206

The Trial of Galileo                                                                           210

unit 5: jefferson                                                                          217

Introduction to John Locke                                                                218

from The Second Treatise of Government                                          219
John Locke

from Notes on the State of Virginia                                                    245
Thomas Jefferson

Selected Letters                                                                               250
Thomas Jefferson


unit 6: beethoven                                                                       257

The Giant Astride the Centuries                                                       258

Philip G. Downs

Beethoven's Instrumental Music                                                       287

ETA. Hoffmann

Musical Terms                                                                                294

What to Listen for in Music                                                              297

Aaron Copland

unit 7: darwin                                                                              313

from The Voyage of the Beagle                                                        317

Charles Darwin

from The Origin of Species                                                               330

Charles Darwin

from Charles Darwin's Autobiography                                               345

Responses to The Origin of Species                                                354

from The New Oxford Annotated Bible: Genesis 1 and 2                   361

The Evanescence of Evil                                                                 365

Herbert Spencer

The Concentration of Wealth: Its Economic Justification                    371

William Graham Sumner

from Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia                                               378

Frederick Courteney Selous

Nordic Thinking and the German Rebirth                                          384

Hans F. K. Gunther

from The Argument of the Origin                                                      386

Gertrude Himmelfarb

Some History Should Be Repeated                                                   395

Carl Feldbaum


Ought We Do What We Can Do?                                                  399

Sheryl Gay Stolberg

from The Age of Spiritual Machines                                                 403

Ray Kurzweil

unit 8: carnegie                                                                           405

How I Served My Apprenticeship                                                   406

Andrew Carnegie

from Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie                                          415

An Employer's View of the Labor Question                                      430

Andrew Carnegie

A Workingman s Prayer for die Masses                                            442


"The Incident" of the 6th of July                                                       443

The Situation at Homestead                                                             448

Homestead and Its Perilous Trades—Impressions of a Visit               452

Hamlin Garland

Popular Illusions about Trusts                                                           465

Andrew Carnegie

from Looking Backward (1889)                                                        477

Edward Bellamy

from Revolution: The Evolution of Socialism (1894)                            483

Henry Demarest Lloyd

from Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie                                          491

Homestead as Seen by One of Its Workmen                                     505


unit 9: freud                                                                                 517


unit 10: picasso                                                                           519

The Cubist War                                                                              520

Stephen Kern

from Picasso on Art—Two Statements by Picasso                            545

Dore Ashton

from The Composition of Music                                                       555

Igor Stravinsky

from Picasso's Guernica                                                                  561

Ellen C. Oppler

unit 11: ellington                                                                     577

from Music Is My Mistress (1973)                                                   578

Edward Kennedy Ellington

Homage to Duke Ellington on His Birthday                                       600

Ralph Ellison

Dream Boogie                                                                                607

Langston Hughes

Jazzonia                                                                                          608

Langston Hughes

Morning After                                                                                609

Langston Hughes

The Weary Blues                                                                            610

Langston Hughes

New St. Louis Blues                                                                       612

Sterling Brown

Jazz Fantasia                                                                                  613

Carl Sandburg

Am/Trak                                                                                        614

Amiri Baraka

221st Chorus (from Mexico City Blues)                                           621

Jack Kerouac


239th Chorus (from Mexico City Blues)                                          622

Jack Kerouac

Dear John, Dear Coltrane                                                               623

Michael Harper

Ellington Indigos                                                                              625

Aleda Shirley

The Day Duke Raised; May 24th, 1974                                          627

Quincy Troupe

from Music Is My Mistress                                                              629

Edward Kennedy Ellington

unit 12: camus                                                                              665

from The Rebel                                                                               666

Albert Camus