PH24: Philosophy of Mind

Classic works on Consciousness

Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy
Important arguments from Descartes' Meditations
An Outline of Descartes' Meditations
Different Views on the Relationship between Mind and Body

J.J.C. Smart, The identity theory of mind

Alan Turing, Computing machinery and intelligence
More material on the Turing Test:
Albert, a recent test candidate
Talk with Robby the robot
The Turing 2000 contest
The Alan Turing Internet scrap book
The Alan Turing Homepage

John Searle, Minds, brains, and programs

John Searle, Is the brain a digital computer?

The Chinese Room Homepage

Thomas Nagel, "What is it Like to be a Bat "
Frank Jackson, "What Mary Doesn't Know "

Representative Contemporary Works

Material on Dennett and Consciousness Explained

Timoth Bates, Tutorial on Consciousness Explained

Philosophy on the Net, Short Introduction to Dennett

Phi Phenomenon Demo

Yet another Phi Phenomenon Demo

The MagnaPhi Phenomenon Demo and other demo's

Purdue University, Visual Perception Research Lab

Peter Kaiser, The Joy of Visual Perception (optical Illusion page)

Selmer Bringsjord, A paper on the Phi phenomenon, critical of Dennett's view

Daniel Dennett, The self as a center of narrative gravity

Daniel Dennett, The origins of selves

Other Important Contemporary Work

David Chalmers, Facing up to the problem of consciousness

David Chalmers, Facing up to the problem of consciousness

Daniel Dennett, Facing backwards on the problem of consciousness (and Chalmers' reply)

John Searle, The problem of consciousness

John Searle, Consciousness and the philosophers (and Chalmers' reply)

Colin McGinn, The problem of philosophy


Godels's Theorem and Penrose

A page of quotes on Godel's Theorem and a link to the original article

Gregory Chaitin, "A Century of Controvery over the Foundations Of Mathematics": A nice basic account of the background of the argument in mathematics.

"Minds, Machines and Gödel" by J.R. Lucas: classic paper on application of Godel's theorem to the human mind.

Kenny Felders summary of Hofstadter's account of Godel's Theorem

The Section of Chalmers' resource page devoted to Godel's Theorem

Page on Penrose's Book Shadows of the Mind with papers by Chalmers and others with a detailed response from Penrose

A Roger Penrose page with useful links to some of his works

Freud and Psychoanalysis

Freud and Psychoanalysis: An Outline

Freud Archives

The Psychoanalytic Webring

Resources in Phil. Of Mind and Cognitive Science

David Chalmer's list of online resources on Consciousness

Extensive list of online papers by Daniel Dennett

Douglas Hofstadter's homepage

Mind/Brain Resources
Journal of Consciousness Studies
Mind and Body
Cognitive Science
Indiana U Cognitive Science program
Cognitive & Psychological Sciences
Philosophy of Mind
Welcome to the Principia Cybernetica Web
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: An Annotated Bibliography
Cognitive Science and Metaphor Center at U. of Oregon
Conceptual Metaphor Home Page at Berkeley

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