
Calendar for this Unit

Lecture Materials for the Beethoven Humanities Unit

Music Listening Notes and Samples

Biography/General Resources

Immortal Beloved

Aids on Listening to Music

Listening Notes and Music Files


Listening Notes by Steve Krantz along with links to online recordings of the music

Symphony 9

Symphony 5

Piano Concerto 5 “emperor”

String Quartet Op.18 no. 1

Piano Sonata Op. 13 “Pathetique

“Credo” from Missa Solemnis


Other selections from the seminar tapes

Haydn Sympony #88 in G Major Movement 4

Mozart Sympony #40 in G Minor Movement 1

Beethoven section of the Classical Music Archive
The best source of free Beethoven Music I’ve found. Some selections require paid subscription, but a nice selection of free mp3’s.


Beethoven Selections in MIDI

From the Immortal Beethoven site.


Another comprehensive set of MIDI Selections

From L.V. Beethoven’s Website.


 Brief Real audio and mp3 selections from symphonies 5 and 3


Beethoven’s Symphonies

Guides and short selections of the themes of all 9 symphonies


Detailed Information on each of the nine Symphonies
From the Beethoven Depot


Guide to the Ninth Symphony
Very Useful! Has the text of Schiller with translation along with a timed guide to the music.


NPR special on the 7th symphony
Video and audio

Biography and General Beethoven sites

The Beethoven Reference Site
Very comprehensive site with biography, documents, and mp3’s

Beethoven Timeline from same site.


Ludwig von Beethoven’s Website
A comprehensive site with pictures, MIDI music samples and Biography

MIDI Selections


Beethoven the Immortal

Biography, music to download, and more.

Beethoven Selections in MIDI

From the Immortal Beethoven site.


The Multimedia Beethoven

Biography, images, music clips


Resources on Beethoven’s Immortal Beloved

Immortal Beloved

Translations of the letters and images of the candidates.


Beethoven’s Immortal Beloved

From the Beethoven Reference site. Addresses the inaccuracies in the movie. Has the Letters.


Information on the Film
From the Internet Movie Database

Aids on How to Listen to Music


What to Listen for in Music
A set of lectures on what to listen for in music. Very nice! Explanation of many basic musical terms with examples. You can even download and listen to the examples discussed if your computer is set up for it.


Beethoven's Third Symphony Explained
Lecture on Beethoven's Third from the previous series of lectures.


An Interactive guide to the Symphony

A very nice account of sonata form, the form most often used in 1st and 4th  movements.

Here are some of the forms used in other movements


Essentials of Music glossary
Norton site, lots of real audio illustrations 

Here is the section on musical form




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