Second Year Humanities
Calendar 2003-2004
9/2 Introductory lecture: |
9/3 organizational seminar |
9/4 lec.1: Prof. Shannon, Michelangelo and the Italian Renaissance” Seminar Slides from VSRC Slide Kiosk On-Campus Access Only. Slide List |
9/5 sem.1: sem.1: Michelangelo: Life, Letters and Poetry, pp. ix-xxiv, 3-23, 30-32, 39-73; and slides (optional) |
9/9 lec.2: Prof. Hoffman Seminar Slides from VSRC Slide Kiosk On-Campus Access Only
9/10 sem.2: Reader:
contracts for the Pieta and and slides |
9/12 lec.3: Prof. Banach “Michelangelo
and the Value of Art” Seminar Slides from VSRC Slide Kiosk On-Campus Access
Only |
9/13 sem.3: Michelangelo:
Life, Letters and Poetry, letter #33, p.
120; poems, p. 142, 144-146,
150-160; and slides |
9/16 lec.4: Prof. Ellen Longsworth, “The Sistine Ceiling and the Last Judgment” |
9/17 sem.4: Michelangelo: Life, Letters and Poetry, pp. 24-30, 32-39, letter #17, pp. 99-102, poem, p. 139; Michelangelo, pp.24-36, 63-67; and slides |
9/18 lec.1: Prof. Pajakowski, “Humanism, Luther, and the Origins of the Protestant Reformation” |
9/19 sem.1: Reader, excerpt from Luther’s treatise: “To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation” |
9/23 lec.2: Prof. Holder, |
9/24 sem.2: Reader, Luther’s treatise: “The Freedom of a Christian” |
9/25 lec.3: Prof. Cox, “A Mighty Fortress: Reformation Hymnody” |
9/26 sem.3: Reader, Preface to
the Wittenberg Hymnal; Preface to Georg Rhau’s Symphoniae iucundae; two hymns |
9/30 lec.4: Prof. McMahon, “Catholic Responses to Luther” |
10/1 sem.4: Reader, Erasmus’ Letter to Jodocus
Jonas; Adrian VI’s Instruction to Chieregati |
10/2 lec.1: Prof.
Perrone “Elizabeth, A Renaissance Prince” |
10/3 sem.1: Reader, Speeches of Queen Elizabeth: Elizabeth’s Golden Speech |
10/7 lec.2: Fr. Augustine |
10/8 sem.2: Reader, The Elizabethan Injunctions,
10/9 lec.3: Prof. Bouchard |
10/10 sem.2: Reader, Elizabeth, selected speeches, letter, poems, prayers: Armada Speech, When I was Fair and Young, On Monsieur’s Departure. Selections by Sir
Walter Raleigh: Poem 1,
2, 3, 4 Edmund
Spenser and Sir Philip
Sydney |
10/14 No Lecture College Day
10/15 Review Seminar |
10/16 lec.4: Prof. Malieckal “The Real Elizabethan World Picture” |
10/17 sem.4: Reader, Edict Expelling the Moors; two letters; excerpt from Merchant of Venice |
10/21 No Lecture |
10/22 Exam |
10/23 lec.1: Prof. Anderson, |
10/24 sem.1: Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo, pp. 21-58 (The Starry Messenger) |
10/28 lec.2:Prof. Guerra, “Galileo
and the New Cosmology” |
10/29 sem.2: Reader, excerpts from Galileo’s “Dialogue on the Great World Systems” |
10/30 lec.3: Prof. Perrone, “Galileo, Science and the Church” |
10/31 sem.3: Reader, Letters from Mario Guiducci and Benedetto Castelli; and “The Trial of Galileo” and Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo, pp. 173-179 (to “a different sense”) & 211 (top) - 216 |
11/4 lec.4: Prof. Banach, “Galileo and the Origins of the Modern World” |
11/5 sem.4: Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo, pp. 237-238, 256-258, 273-279 (selections from The Assayer) |
11/6 lec.1: Fr. William |
11/7 sem.1: Selected
Writings, pp. 1-15, 62-66 |
11/11 lec.2: Prof. Josephson “Hobbes and the Political
Context” Ken Burns’ Thomas Jefferson (selections):
Nov.11, |
11/12 sem.2: Reader Selections from John Locke: from“Second
Treatise on Government” “Of
Civil Government” , and 1,
2 Ken Burns’ Thomas Jefferson (selections): Nov. 12, |
11/13 lec.3: Prof. Mahoney |
11/14 sem.3: Selected Writings, pp. 68-79, 88-92, 46-50 Letters to James Madison 1, 2 Notes on the State of Virginia; Query XVII |
11/18 lec.3: Prof. Salerno “
11/19 sem.4: Selected Writings, pp. 15-28, 36-46, 50-55 Notes on the State of Virginia; Queries VI, XIV, XVIII
11/20 lec.5: Prof. Hoffman “Jefferson the Architect” |
11/21 sem.5: Reader, Jefferson:
selection from Notes
on the State of Virginia Query XV,
and selected |
11/25 No lecture |
11/26 No seminar Thanksgiving Recess Begins at |
11/27 Thanksgiving |
11/28 |
12/2 lec.1: Prof. Pajakowski “Beethoven and the Age of Revolution” |
12/3 sem.1: Reader from and recorded music |
12/4 lec.2: Prof. K. Spoerl |
12/5 sem.2: Reader, From Hoffman: “Beethoven’s Instrumental Music,” list of musical terms, and recorded music |
12/9 lec.3: Prof. Cox |
12/10 sem. 3: Reader, from Copland, “What to Listen for in Music,” and recorded music |
12/11 lec.4: The Ying Quartet lecture-demonstration The Ying Quartet
in concert, Theatre, |
12/12 sem.4:
discussion of evening performance, and recorded music
1/20 lec.1: Prof. Stahl “Charles Darwin and the Concept of Evolution by Natural Selection” In The Abby Church Film:“Inherit the Wind” |
1/21 sem.1: Reader, Unit Introduction and Introduction to and selection from The Voyage of the Beagle |
1/22 lec.2: Prof. McGhee |
1/23 sem.2: Reader, Introduction to and selections from The Origin of Species, and William Paley: “Responses to The Origin of Species,” and Genesis 1 & 2 |
1/27 lec.3: Prof. J. Spoerl |
1/28 sem.3: Reader, readings from Spencer, Sumner, Selous, and Gunther |
1/29 lec.4: D.D. Dagit, Ph.D. “Evolution After |
1/30 sem.4: Reader, Intro. to and Himmelfarb’s “The Argument of the Origin,” readings by Feldbaum, |
2/3 lec.1: Prof. A. Kenison, “Andrew Carnegie in Historical Context” FILM: Carnegie: The American Experience” 7:00PM Dana Center Discussion to follow |
2/4 sem.1: Reader, Carnegie, “How I Served My Apprenticeship,” and selections from Carnegie’s Autobiography |
2/5 lec.2: Fr. William, |
2/6 sem.2: Reader, “An Employer’s View of the Labor Question,” “A Workingman’s Prayer for the Masses,” “The Incident of the 6th of July,” “The Situation at Homestead,” “Homestead and Its Perilous Trades…” |
2/10 lec.3: Prof.
Kuehne, “Andrew Carnegie, Politics, and Government” |
2/11 sem.3: Reader, “Popular Illusions About Trusts,” “Looking Backward,” “Revolution: The Evolution of Socialism” |
2/12 lec.4: Prof. J. Spoerl, “The Case of Andrew Carnegie: Socialist Prosecution and Capitalist Defense” |
2/13 sem.4: Reader, excerpts from Carnegie’s Autobiography; “Homestead as Seen by One of Its Workmen” |
2/17 lec.1: Prof. Pajakowski “Interpreting Dreams: Freud and the Origins of Psychoanalysis” FILM: Freud: The Analysis of a Mind and
clips from Hamlet |
2/18 |
2/19 lec.2: Prof. J. Spoerl |
2/20 |
2/24 lec.3: Prof. La Chance, |
2/25 sem.3: The Future of an Illusion, pp. 18-71 |
2/26 lec.4: Prof. Norton |
2/27 sem.4: Kafka’s The Metamorphosis |
recess |
recess |
recess |
3/9 No lecture |
3/10 Exam |
3/11 lec.1: Prof. Pajakowski “The Young Picasso and the World of the Early 20th Century” |
3/12 sem.1: Reader Kern: “The Cubist War,” Picasso, Master of the New Idea, chapters I & II (optional for this seminar), and slides VSRC Slide Kiosk Picasso Seminar Slides On Campus use only. Here is the slide list. |
3/16 lec.2: Prof. Rossbach, “Picasso, Cubism and the Paris Milieu” FILM: New Ways of Seeing: Picasso, Braque, and
the Cubist Revolution |
3/17 sem.2: Reader from Ashton: Picasso on Art: Two Statements by Picasso; Picasso, Master of the New Idea, chapter III & p.141, and slides VSRC Slide Kiosk Picasso Seminar Slides On Campus use only. Here is the slide list. |
3/18 lec.3: Prof. Cleveland |
3/19 sem.3: Reader Stravinsky: “The Composition of Music,” Picasso, Master of the New Idea, chapter IV, recorded music & slides VSRC Slide Kiosk Picasso Seminar Slides On Campus use only. Here is the slide list. |
3/23 lec. 4: Prof. Hoffman |
3/24 sem. 4: Reader, from Oppler: Picasso’s Guernica; Picasso, Master of the New Idea, chapters V-VII, and slides VSRC Slide Kiosk Picasso Seminar Slides On Campus use only. Here is the slide list. |
3/25 lec.1: Prof. Salerno “Duke
Ellington and
3/26 sem.1: Reader, selections from Ellington’s Music is My Mistress; and Ralph Ellison, “Homage to Duke Ellington on His Birthday” |
3/30 lec.2: Prof. Cleveland Screening of selections from Ken Burns’ Jazz Series, 7 pm, Perini Lecture Hall (Goulet) |
3/31 sem.2: recorded music |
4/1 lec.3: Prof. Reagan |
4/2 sem.3: Reader,
poems by Langston Hughes, Sterling Brown, Carl Sandburg, Amiri
Baraka, Jack Kerouac, Michael Harper, Aleda Shirley and Quincy Troupe |
4/6 No lecture |
4/7 No seminar Easter Recess
begins at |
4/8 Holy Thursday |
4/9 Good Friday |
4/13 lec. 4: Prof. Gleason “On Ellington’s Music in Performance” Evening Concert, “By and About Duke,” |
4/14 sem. 4: Reader, selections from Music is My Mistress: What Is Music? What’s Happening? Music and the Primeval, The Mirrored Self |
4/15 lec. 1: Prof. Mahoney,
“Camus and the Logic of Absurdity” |
4/16 sem. 1: The Myth of Sisyphus, pp. 3-33, 51-65, 119-123 |
4/20 lec.2: Prof. Dubrulle “Camus: The Political Context” FILM: The
Plague |
4/21 sem.2: The Plague |
4/22 lec. 3: Prof. Reagan, “Camus and Language”
4/23 sem.3: The
4/27 lec.4: Prof. McMahon, “Belief in God and the Problem of Evil” |
4/28 sem.4: Reader, from The Rebel |
4/29 Prof. Bruce: Concluding Lecture |
4/30 Concluding Seminar |