Caligula Script with extensive background material
Albert Camus, "The Myth Of Sisyphus"
Albert Camus, "The Absurd Man"
Very Short Excerpt from The Rebel
Acceptance Speech for Nobel Prize
Online text page with some Combat articles.
Camus Page with Timeline, Links to Reviews and Articles
Websyntax Camus Page with Biography and Nice page of quotes organized by topics
The Cry: Albert Camus Page
Online works and resources
Albert Camus
A page devoted to Camus, inludes short selections of some of his works.
Jean-Paul Sartre
A page devoted to Sartre, inludes
short selections of some of his works.
The Realm Of
A general page on Existentialism with links to many
existentialist philosophers by the author of the previous two pages, a student.
Outline of
Some Important Points from Sartre's Existentialism and Human Emotions
Lecture: The Ethics of Absolute Freedom
Outline of some main points from Camus “An Absurd Reasoning”
Albert Camus
A page devoted to Camus, inludes short selections of some of his works and some
critical essays. useful background, but no substitute for the text.
Enotes resources
on the Plague, same as above
Albert Camus
and The Algerian Legacy
Colin Ward
Interview with Catherine Camus about “The First Man”
Spike Magazine
Friends by Russell Jacoby
Book review of two books on the Sartre-Camus