Elizabeth I

Calendar for this Unit


Lecture Materials for the Elizabeth Humanities Unit

Chronology of Events in Elizabeth I’s lifetime

Timeline of Reformation and Restoration


The Tudor Succession
A nice family/succession tree


Elizabeth I
McMaster U. site.

The Virgin Queen
Short Biography and Gallery, Tudor History Site.


Elizabeth I
Luminarium site: Life, Works, Images, etc.


Links on Elizabeth I
Good list of the most prominent sites from ElizabethI.org

Queen Elizabeth I

English History net site; Life, Domestic Policy, Writings.


Life in Elizabethan England
A Compendium of Common Knowledge


Six Wives of Henry VIII
Background and pictures of the wives



Comprehensive Renaissance and Reformation Information site


The Works of Elizabeth I

Luminarium site.


Elizabeth’s Speech to her Last Parliament


Selected Writing and Speeches
Modern History Sourcebook

Selected Poetry of Elizabeth I
U. of Toronto Site.


Walter Raleigh Poetry


A poem from Raleigh to Elizabeth I

Raleigh “A Vision Upon This Conceit Of The Fairy Queen”

Edmund Spenser Poems online
Here you can find the Faerie Queene and “The Shepheardes Calender


Renasence Editions
Online Repository of English prose from 1477 to 1779


The Lady of May
by Sir Philip Sidney from the above site


Complete Works of Shakespeare


Shakespeare and his World
A Fathom site, affiliated with Cambridge U. Press

The Merchant of Venice

PBS Site on the Merchant of Venice
Includes essay on Race and Religion in the Play



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