
Calendar for this Unit

Lecture Materials for the Freud Humanities Unit



Biography and General Sites


Freud, An Overview
The Freud Web, David Stevenson, Brown University

Freud Timeline by author of the site above.
Victorian Web


Library of Congress Freud Site
Has film clips and audio recordings as well as manuscripts and photos


The Anna Freud Centre


The Freud Museum, London


Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna


Freud and His Critics

Paul Robinson, U. of Cal. Press, e-version of entire book.


Marc Fonda’s Freud Page
Has an overview: Freud: His Life And Thought as well as an annotated bibliography of the collected works


Freud Archives
Brill Library archive. Now hosted by

Freud Archive links page
Has some links to useful copies of letters to and from Freud

New York Psychoanalytic Institute and Society

The Psychoanalytic Webring


New York Freudian Society


The International Association for the History of Psychoanalysis


Classroom activities exploring Freud’s ideas
Don Finkel and Thad Curtz, Evergreen State College includes activities on Five Lectures


Works By Freud

Five Lectures about Psychoanalysis
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis
Introduction to above work.
The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement
The Interpretation of Dreams

Selection from  Civilization and its Discontents
Selection from Future of an Illusion
From a Holy Men of India site, but useful selections from the Collected Works.

Freud Abstracts
Abstracts of the Collected works from the New York Freud Society
Abstract of The Future of an Illusion

Letter from Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904

Literature and Freud

Freud from the “Interpretation of Dreams” on Hamlet

Literary Encyclopedia article on Hamlet with the standard Freudian interpretation

Excerpts from Ernest Jones' essay "Hamlet and Oedipus,"
Inspired producer Tyrone Guthrie and Laurence Olivier in the 1948 Film version

Closet Scene in Hamlet III, iv

The Kafka Project
English translation of Metamorphosis from this site
Special Issue on Metamorphosis includes student papers.
Lecture on "The Metamorphosis" by Vladimir Nabokov

New York Times collection of audio recordings of contemporary authors on Kafka
requires free registration

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