Lecture Materials for
the Jefferson Unit
The works of Thomas Jefferson
E-texts of the works of Thomas Jefferson.
The Thomas Jefferson Digital Archive
Works and Resources.
The complete works of Jefferson
Declaration of Indepence, Constitution ,Federalist papers
Texts at US Congress site
The Letters of Thomas Jefferson
From Revolution to Reconstruction site. Great resource.
The Thomas Jefferson Papers and
Thomas Jefferson Exhibit
at The Library of Congress
Jenkinson's Jefferson Page
The homepage of Clay Jenkinson,
PBS site on the documentary series
The Thomas Jefferson Papers and
Thomas Jefferson Exhibit
at The Library of Congress
Monticello, Home of Thomas
Homepage of
Jefferson A Character Sketch
Edward S. Ellis
Jefferson and his Colleagues, A
Chronicle of the Virginia Dynasty
Alan Johnson
of United States Part I
Edwin Sparks
Thomas Jefferson
A collection of quotes from Thomas Jefferson on a variety of topics.
Monticello, Home of Thomas
Homepage of
The archictecture
of Thomas Jefferson
U. of Virginia Site