Michelangelo |
Lectures and Course Materials for the Michelangelo Humanities Unit
Nice historical Intro. to Michelangelo's works
with images of most.
Michelangelo's Sculpture
Images of most of Michelangelo's major sculpture. The site is in Italian, but
easy to figure out.
Web Gallery of Art:
The Web Gallery’s Michelangelo page.
Web Museum
With lots of info. on the Renaissance as well.
Digital Projects:
Digital Michelangelo
Contains 3D Model of the David with RealPlayer video
Digital Florentine Pieta (IBM)
Short Biography (hlla.com)
Excerpt from William E. Wallace’s book.
Olga’s Gallery Michelangelo Biography
Short biography with links to images. Annoying ad
Michelangelo Biography.com
Drawings by
Michelangelo (Trofatter)
Links to Images of the most famous drawings (Ads)
Seminar Slides from VSRC Slide Kiosk
On-Campus Access Only
The Sistine Chapel
Extensive images of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling from Christus
Visit to the
Sistine Chapel in Vatican
Extensive Images and Background info.
Has a Clickable Map of the ceiling that takes you to images of each of the
panels or details
the Sistine Chapel (Thinkquest site)
Simulated tours by Renaissance figures
Exploring the
Sistine Chapel Ceiling
Vatican Sistine Restoration Site
Not much there, but has slides of the frescoes along
the walls of the Lives of Moses and Christ
The Pieta
Extensive Images of the Pieta with lots of details and different perspectives,
from Christus Rex.
The Pieta
Numerous Images of the Pieta, as well as other works of Michelangelo
Slides of The Pieta
from The VSRC Slide Kiosk
On-Campus Access Only
The Pieta Project
Results of Research team making computer model of Florentine Pieta (Deposition)
Architecture (Trofatter)
Links to images of all of the major architecture (Ads)
Images of Palazzo dei Conservatori,
St Peter's Cathedral.
Images and resources from Great Buildings Online
Three Poems
Excerpt of new tranlations by John Nims. Includes Sistine Chapel poem.
Michelangelo’s Love
New Translations by Michael Sullivan
5 Poems (Monadnock Review)
Translated by Leonard Cottrell
Nine Poems by Michelangelo
Classic translations (Ads)
4 Sonnets (Wayne State)
Translated by Richard Hooker
The Golden Mean
An extensive site on the Golden Section in architecture and art. Lots of diagrams and links. A good place
to start.
Golden Section in Art and Architecture
Jill Britton’s excellent slide show introduction to the Golden Mean
Numbers in Nature
Another excellent slide presentation from Jill Bretton’s site.
Numbers and The Golden Section
One of the best and most extensive sites I’ve found. Ron Knott's
The Golden
Examples of the proportion in nature, art, and architecture.
Sacred Geometry Home Page
A more general account of the relationship of geometric form to beauty. The
page is very well done and gives a good idea of the Neoplatonic
view of form and beauty.
Mid_Atlantic Geomancy Sacred Geometry Page
A very nice simple account of some of the most
persistent mathematical forms in Art and Nature. Nice Images!!
The Divine
Another nice short account of the Golden Section and where it shows up in Art.
Some nice images.