
Calendar for this Unit


Lecture Materials for the Picasso Humanities Unit


Biography and General Sites

Picasso Timeline
from the Stanko site


Official Picasso site

Has a genealogy, timeline, and news on exhibitions


Mr. PicassoHead.com
Make a Picasso style work of art of your own. A cool applet.


The Picasso Conspiracy
About a drawing attributed to Picasso, but has useful resources on his life and work.



A Picasso page with images, links, and biography. Some resources in Spanish.



Matisse Picasso Research Center. Great Resources; awkward Macromedia Flash Interface


Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
History and analysis from M. Helmers, U. of Wisconsin

Online Gallerys

Stanko site Nicely organized. Good sections on other types of works besides painting


Online Picasso Project

Over 7000 Catalogued works. Texas A & M U.


ArtCyclopedia Picasso site
Online images organized by the museums holding the works


Olga’s Gallery Picasso site


Picasso Museum of Malaga Spain


MOMA Picasso Holdings


Artchive Picasso site (popup warning)


Online Films on Picasso and Cubism
from the Roland Collection


VSRC Slide Kiosk Picasso Seminar Slides

On Campus use only. Here is the slide list.

Cubism and other Painters

article on Cubism
from the The Visual Arts Dictionary


Asada Cubism Gallery

Asada, Japan. Image collection and nice account of cubism


The Visual Arts Dictionary


Over 100 artworks from WebMuseum


Georges Braque

Artcyclopedia site

General Art appreciation sites

Words of Art
Glossary of Art Criticism terms.
Robert Belton of Okanagan University College, Canada


The Visual Arts Dictionary


Eyes on Art

Learning to Look curriculum. Intoduction to what to look for in Art


Art History Resources on the Web
Chris Witcombe, Sweet Briar College, Virginia

Here is the early 20th Century page


The ABC’s of Life Drawing
from the Chapel of Art site


The Roland Collection of online videos on art
Download films or view online. Excellent sections on Picasso and Cubism


PBS Treasures of the World site on Guernica

Guernica Timeline from this site


Picasso’s War
Site for Russel Martin’s Book on
Guernica.  Has a nice page of audio resources and interviews about Guernica and Discussion Guide


Guernica page from the Picasso Conspiracy site


“What’s so controversial about Guernica?”

2003 article by David Cohen on a controversy involving Guernica and the Iraq war.


Listening Notes for Rite of Spring
by Steve Krantz


Igor Stravinsky
Good Introductory site, from the Norton Enjoyment of Music site


Brief Biography with images

Caltech site


Diaghilev Ballet History
Nice account with images of history of Rite of Spring, from the People at Play Ballet History Site


Arts Alive Stravinsky Page

Nice short Bio


Stravinsky’s Le Sacre at 90

Paul-John Ramos from The Classical.net Stravinsky page


Set design for Rite of Spring

Images of some of the original set by Nikolai Roerich


Short History of the Scandal caused by the first performance of the Rite of Spring
Michael Cooke

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