Fall 2003 Schedule and Course Materials
The Scientific Revolution | Descartes | Leibniz | Spinoza |
Locke | Berkeley | Hume | Kant |
| General Resources | E-book Editions | |
Galileo, "Two Kinds of Properties"
Galileo: Selections from Dialogue Concerning Two New Sciences
Galileo: Dialogue Concerning The Two Chief World Systems
Timeline of The Scientific Revolution
The View of Nature of the Scientific Revolution
Some Main Points of Aristotle's Thought
The Galileo Project
Galileo and Einstein Homepage
Nova: Galileo’s Battle for the Heavens
Fred Wilson: Galileo and the Rise of Mechanism
Lecture on Robert Boyle
History of Science Study Guide
Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking the Truth in the Sciences
Meditations on First Philosophy
Meditations on First Philosophy(1641)
Arguments drawn up in Geometrical Order
(From Replies to Objection 2)
Selected Objections and Replies to Descartes’s Medititations
An Outline of the Meditations
(full outline)
Important arguments from the Meditations
(Simplified versions of arguments and overview)
The Matrix and Philosophy
From the official site. Includes professional essays on the Matrix and the Dream argument.
Banach, "Descartes' Ontological Argument"
An old Undergraduate paper, but still useful for the quotes and bibliography and not too embarrassing otherwise
The Squashed (Condensed) Meditations
From Glyn Hughes Squashed Philosophers Series
W.W. Rouse Ball's Biography (stresses Mathematics)
An annotated Descartes Bibliography
by Amy Schmitter
Trilingual online edition of The Meditations
Rene Descartes.com
Some Major Works online and a bibliography
Descartes Web Project
Includes online edition of Passions of the Soul
The Monadology (Latta trans.)
The Monadology (
The Monadology (Latta trans. with glossary)
“Leibniz’s Philosophical Dream”
Leibniz: An Universal Philosopher
George Macdonald Ross: Leibniz
Biography and study from Past Masters series
Donald Rutherford’s Leibniz page
Ethics (With Extensive Commentary by Joseph B. Yesselman)
Works of Spinoza (Including Ethics)
Ethics (MTSU Hypertext edition)
Short Summary of Theory of Emotions from Book III
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (searchable text w/framed TOC)
Oregon State Locke Page (includes timeline)
Short Summary of Locke’s Categories of Ideas
David Banach: “Who Do you think You are?
A paper (very) loosely concerned with the problems arising from Locke’s discussion of personal identity.
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous (1713)
Banach, "Berkeley's Argument and the Perspectivist Fallacy"
God in the Quad
The famous limerick by Ronald Knox
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1777 edition)
An Enquiry Concerning The Principles of Morals
An Abstract of A Treatise of Human Nature
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Essays on Suicide and Immortality
Selection from Appendix to Treatise on Personal Identity
Selection (Section IX) from The Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
Dialogue from appendix to The Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
The Squashed (Condensed) EnquiryConcerning Human Understanding
From Glyn Hughes Squashed Philosophers Series
Text outlines for The Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
Banach, “Certainty and How to do Without it”
Outline of paper containing a refutation of Hume’s criticism of induction along with an account of Hume’s views of the role of philosophy in ordering our lives
Banach, “The Impetus of Ideas”
Outline of a paper based on Hume’s view of the force and vivacity of ideas
Critique of Pure Reason (Kemp Smith trans.)
same text without frames
Critique of Pure Reason (Muller Translation)
(.lit file for Microsoft Reader only)
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals (1785)
The Critique of Judgement (1790)
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics (1783)
Glossary of technical terms from Kant
Resources from Steve Palmquist's Kant site
John Clarke's detailed outline of the Critique of Pure Reason
Selected Philosophers from the 16th through 18th Century
Friesian History of Philosophy Site
Jonathan Bennett's translations of Modern Philosophy texts into Modern English
Includes Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant
Political Maps of Europe for the Period