
Calendar for this Unit

Lecture 1
Dr. Karin Maag: "John Calvin and the Protestant Reformation"

Lecture 2

Prof. Holder: "The Theology of John Calvin"

Lecture 3

Prof. Kuehne: "Calvin's Political Theology"

Lecture 4

Prof. Askin: "Calvin in America: A Literary Perspective"


Time Line for the Reformation

Geneva Catechism (1541)


Life of John Calvin
 by Theodore Beza


The Institutes of Christian Religion

A New Translation, by Henry Beveridge, Esq


Center for Reformed Theology site: Five points of Calvinism with texts and defenses of Calvinism.


John Calvin Texts

Blessed Hope Ministries. Probably the most comprehensive collection of Calvin on the net.

John Calvin
Christian Classics Ethereal Library at Calvin College: Works about and by Calvin.

Catholic Encyclopedia article on Calvin
and on Calvinism.

Calvin Resources on the Net
Accounts of his Theology

Calvin Bibliography
From Calvin College

The Theology of John Calvin
by B. B. Warfield, 1909

Reformation Ink

Comprehensive guide to Reformation Theology with impressive list of classic texts including Calvin


List of Calvin Links


Comprehensive Renaissance and Reformation Information site

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